Exuberant Ctags#

Program ctags#

Alfabetyczny wykaz argumentów#

W programie ctags dostępnych jest aż 48 udokumentowanych argumentów (oficjalny manual). W poniższej tabeli zamieszczam listę ze wszystkimi nazwami tych argumentów (posortowanymi alfabetycznie w kierunku A-Z) oraz ich oryginalne angielskie opisy zwracane przez argument --help.

ArgumentOpis (EN)
-aAppend the tags to an existing tag file.
-BUse backward searching patterns (?...?).
-eOutput tag file for use with Emacs.
-f <name>Write tags to specified file. Value of "-" writes tags to stdout ["tags"; or "TAGS" when -e supplied].
-FUse forward searching patterns (/.../) (default).
-h <list>Specify list of file extensions to be treated as include files. [".h.H.hh.hpp.hxx.h++"].
-I <list|@file>*A list of tokens to be specially handled is read from either the command line or the specified file.
-L <file>A list of source file names are read from the specified file. If specified as "-", then standard input is read.
-nEquivalent to --excmd=number.
-NEquivalent to --excmd=pattern.
-oAlternative for -f.
-REquivalent to --recurse.
-uEquivalent to --sort=no.
-VEquivalent to --verbose.
-wThis option is silently ignored for backward-compatibility with the ctags of SVR4 Unix.
-xPrint a tabular cross reference file to standard output.
--append=[yes|no]Should tags should be appended to existing tag file [no]?
--etags-include=fileInclude reference to 'file' in Emacs-style tag file (requires -e).
--exclude=patternExclude files and directories matching 'pattern'.
--excmd=number|pattern|mixUses the specified type of EX command to locate tags [mix].
--extra=[+|-]flagsInclude extra tag entries for selected information (flags: "fq").
--fields=[+|-]flagsInclude selected extension fields (flags: "afmikKlnsStz") [fks].
--file-scope=[yes|no]Should tags scoped only for a single file (e.g. "static" tags be included in the output [yes]?
--filter=[yes|no]Behave as a filter, reading file names from standard input and writing tags to standard output [no].
--filter-terminator=stringSpecify string to print to stdout following the tags for each file parsed when --filter is enabled.
--format=levelForce output of specified tag file format [2].
--helpPrint this option summary.
--if0=[yes|no]Should C code within #if 0 conditional branches be parsed [no]?
--<LANG>-kinds=[+|-]kindsEnable/disable tag kinds for language <LANG>.
--langdef=nameDefine a new language to be parsed with regular expressions.
--langmap=map(s)Override default mapping of language to source file extension.
--language-force=languageForce all files to be interpreted using specified language.
--languages=[+|-]listRestrict files scanned for tags to those mapped to langauges specified in the comma-separated 'list'. The list can contain any built-in or user-defined language [all].
--licensePrint details of software license.
--line-directives=[yes|no]Should #line directives be processed [no]?
--links=[yes|no]Indicate whether symbolic links should be followed [yes].
--list-kinds=[language|all]Output a list of all tag kinds for specified language or all.
--list-languagesOutput list of supported languages.
--list-maps=[language|all]Output list of language mappings.
--options=fileSpecify file from which command line options should be read.
--recurse=[yes|no]Recurse into directories supplied on command line [no].
--regex-<LANG>=/line_pattern/name_pattern/[flags]Define regular expression for locating tags in specific language.
-sort=[yes|no|foldcase]Should tags be sorted (optionally ignoring case) [yes]?.
--tag-relative=[yes|no]Should paths be relative to location of tag file [no; yes when -e]?
--totals=[yes|no]Print statistics about source and tag files [no].
--verbose=[yes|no]Enable verbose messages describing actions on each source file.
--versionPrint version identifier to standard output.
pathPath to folder(s) or file(s) that is the source code.
Pasek społecznościowy


Exuberant Ctags (H1) Program ctags (H2) Alfabetyczny wykaz argumentów (H3)